Friday, June 14, 2013


When did hashtags take over? I understand their purpose and when used correctly helps group together an idea or a topic, but now... hashtags are out of control.

Twitter- Hashtags are used to help start trending topics. Usually.
Tumblr- Hashtags are used to tag the post so people can look for similar posts.  Usually.
Telephone- It's a pound sign. You use it when you're trying to get your voicemail.  Usually.
The "Ironic Use"- Hashtags are used to just be an asshole but in a joking, sarcastic manner.

EXAMPLE: #OMG #YOLO #FML #howmanyhashtagscanIputbeforepeoplegetannoyed #LOL

Instagram- Hashtags are used similarly to how they're used on Tumblr, but to find pictures.  Usually.

But now Facebook? Really? I don't even know what the point of having a Facebook hashtag is.  They made them to pop up like a link, but what are they linking to? I'm convinced that Zuckerburg is just riding that gravy train to the latest fad and decided to add them to his repetoire.  Want to know when something stops being cool? You see it on Facebook.

Now when I want to tell people who don't actually care about my life about my "status" I can go a step further and annoy them even more.

EXAMPLE: "It's so sunny out today! Working on my tan. #summer #tanning #yourejealous"


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