Monday, October 28, 2013

Starbucks Envy

I'm sitting in Starbucks trying to assess my life goals as one casually does on a Monday evening, and the man that's been sitting across from me is fascinating.  He was here when I walked in so he has been sitting in the same spot doing who knows what for at least three hours.  He has had at least 2 coffee's, a tea, bought one snack, and is now eating his own snack he must have brought with him.  This snack is also double zip locked bagged which I don't understand.  He's dressed like he works in an office, he has a Macbook and brought his own mouse and mousepad with him.

I want to know what he does.  Or what he's doing. And how if he's being paid for it, how can I be paid for it too?

I had a year To-do list and I've lost it so I can't really remember what's on it anymore.  Well, I'm remaking this list right now.  I've been job searching again because I need a second job and I don't really want to have another crappy part time thing but I haven't been able to find anything remotely interesting that I'm qualified for.  If there was a job listing that said something along the lines of:

"Looking for College Graduate who loves to browse on social media, read novels, drink too much, and be awkward. Please apply here."

I'd be set for life. So for now, I suppose I'll stalk the job listings websites and hope Petsmart will give me more hours.

Between now and January, this is what I want to accomplish.

-Second job
-Less partying
-Start dating

I can do this.  I have to do this.  I've been having such a quarter-life crisis this month and I've been going out  A LOT which has been pointless because I don't even have much fun.  I've gotten black-out drunk a few times. Thrown up a lot. Basically, I'm killing myself because I don't want to deal with my emotional instability.  Le sigh.

I think Starbucks guy got another coffee.  And he took out another granola bar.  I don't understand anything.

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