I've just returned from the land of maple syrup and Mounties. Although we have hi-speed internet, my computer decided it didn't want to connect to the wifi so I had to use an ethernet cable. It's remarkable how we take small things such as a good wifi connection for granted. The future generations will be so spoiled. If I have kids, I'm going to make sure that they spend time outside and reading actual books.
Fun fact: Wifi doesn't stand for anything. Whoever came up with the name was probably on drugs.
So not only did I come back from Canada appreciating wifi, I also learned that mosquitoes are progressively taking over the world. These little blood suckers attacked me severely over the past few days to the point that I Googled them. I found out some lovely facts that I wish I didn't know because now I'm petrified as well as itchy and annoyed.
Mosquitoes are at a possibly all time high this summer due to our quite humid and warm spring. This also applies to ticks. If you're going camping, just sleep in a bubble that's coated in bug repellent. Also, due to hurricane season, there has been a certain type of mosquito that has come back from being dormant. It's roughly the size of a quarter which is 20x the size of your average mosquito. These can be found primarily in Florida. For the first time in a year, I'm happy I don't still live in Florida.
They're also getting more aggressive, giving off more deadly diseases and being more of a pain in the ass. Those who claim vampires don't exist, they haven't been paying attention to mosquitoes.
Side note: Got my license finally. Personal victory and one more thing off my Resolutions To-Do list. And I'm half-way through A Feast For Crows and now that everyone's been introduced it's starting to pick up and I'm really enjoying it.
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