Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sometimes I just want to write. I don't want to feel pressured to be witty or intellectual or interesting. Then I remember that no one reads this and I realize that I could've just written down what I had wanted to and been done with it.

I haven't written on here in a while because I didn't want to re-read what I last wrote and be like "Yup, still haven't done anything that I said I was going to do." I'm just delaying the inevitable.

So, what's been happening in the life that is mine?

2013 has come and went. We are in the next year and it's been fairly good to me thus far.  Way to go 2014, keep up the good work.

Erika left for a month and in that period of time I worked, read, and got a lot of cups and mugs because it was Christmas.

I have a pseudo-boyfriend which is interesting.  We're seemingly happy and also keeping it a secret from any mutual acquaintance.  This is due to the fact that we work together and if everyone knew, it would just be awkward.  However, it does make for some interesting conversation.  Also, we're not officially dating or a couple or anything that remotely resembles a label and I do enjoy this, but I don't know what the rules are.  He said that I could sleep with other people but I'm 97.58% positive he'd be pissed about it.  One day we'll have that talk. Today is not that day.

Which promptly brings me to another bullet point; I'm having sex again.  I wanted to wait until it was meaningful and with the right guy in a steady relationship ... I mean, that's kind of what happened. It happened out of no where and very quickly but we just refer it to being "Our Normal".

Bache and Jensen are coming to visit soon. I don't want them to but they are.

I don't know what else.

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