I was reading a Huffington Post article my friend posted. This alone is insignificant. Hold on, the point is coming. The article was 12 steps to get out of your mid-life crisis. There were a few things on this list that caught my attention and I wonder how I would go about doing them. Especially number twelve which encourages alcoholism when steps 1-11 fail.
There was one step about finding your passion and making a career out of it. The article said to think about an activity that makes you happy. This activity makes you tune out the outside world and becomes the center of your universe while it's taking place. Three things come to mind. I zone out most when I'm dancing, reading, or writing.
I don't think I could ever be a professional dancer, I killed that dream when I found out at the ripe old age of 11 that to be a Rockette,you need to be tall. I'm ringing in at barely five feet so yes, that is out of the running.
How do you become a professional reader? Is that even a job? Or is that like a book editor in which I would have to go back and probably get a degree in English lit which I won't do. I should google this more.
Writing would be fun but I like writing like this. Informal. On my own topics that are interesting to me. I'm not interesting enough to run a successful blog. No one even reads this. It's like an homage to myself. My electronic diary that I'll look back on as I have all my diaries and shuddered at all my cringeworthy angst and turmoil.
Such is life. I spend 40% of my time at various Starbucks so I should just start a series called the Starbucks Shenanigans and spy on people. Instant best-seller.
Today in the Starbucks Shenanigans, A man procured a headache after being on a job interview for over two hours. He then preceded to grab a Grande-something-or-other and call multiple people to tell them about his afternoon. The shop has been noisy so he could not hear his companions on the other end very well but that did not stop him from talking even louder and making more than one phone call from the same seat which had spotty reception. I eventually moved chairs due to failing wifi and lack of power outlet.
Fun fact- Wifi does not stand for anything. That is actually the whole word. I don't know if I've talked about that before but it baffles me. Who would think up wifi? Why wifi? If it were to be an acronym, what do you think it would stand for?
Wireless Internet For Idiots
I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.
Also, some guy just walked up to the register and did a jig. If he gets free coffee from doing a jig, I'm forever doing that from this day forward.
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