Other life updates
- I saw The Heat and it was hysterical. Highly recommend for a good laugh.
- Also saw World War Z which was much better than I had anticipated.
- Turned out that my car's registration was up in June and no one noticed until yesterday so I've been illegally driving it for almost two months. I live life on the edge!
- Went on another Unfollow-spree on Facebook and I have no bother's to be found about it. I'd unfollow more but then I'd only be friends with like 30 people.
- And I think I'm PMS-ing. Which isn't at all noteworthy but this is my blog and I can write what I want. And right now I want peanut butter and chocolate popcorn.
Unpopular topic/opinion of the day: Headaches!
I've always gotten them. At one point I was on medication for them. The doctor could not determine how or what the cause was so I was on a trial and error medication plan which ended after the drug that worked the best was taken off the market for being highly addictive. It's fine, 8 Aspirin and a few hours of nothing strenuous usually does the trick. My stomach hates me and my blood is probably water but I can't be bothered with that while my head pounds constantly.
According to MayoClinic, causes could include meningitis, brain tumors, stroke, or a failure of pain signals working properly. This is why no one should Google their ailments on the internet. You go to look for something as mundane as a headache and end up closing your web browser convinced you have a rare genetic disorder that gives you -at most- 5 days to live.
I'm curious, as I seem to suffer from chronic headaches, does anyone else? Or what tips do you have to help get rid of yours? This is of course only if someone reads this which chances are, I'm simply indulging myself.
No book recommendations today. Still moseying through A Feast For Crows. Review to come soon.