Friday, September 27, 2013

Rantings of the Pre-Menstrual.

Today has been a hell of a day.

I had work at seven o'clock this morning so I pried myself out of bed and was in such a state of I-better-hurry-the-fuck-up-or-I'll-be-late, that I didn't have time to make myself tea (for the second morning in a row) and I completely forgot to grab my glasses before I headed out the door.

I didn't realize this until I was pulling out of our apartment in the dark and being like "Why is everything blurry?". Mind you, this is at 6:30 am, I have nothing in my system, and the sun has not risen yet.  So I prayed all the way to work. This is what I imagine drunk driving feels like. (Spoiler: I made it.)

While at work, I had literally nothing to do for the first two hours.  The store doesn't open it's doors until nine and there wasn't much to stock. I resorted to playing with a laser pointer and annoying the cats with it.  It eventually picked up a half hour before my shift was over and in this time span, I encountered my favorite customer...

She was probably in her 70s so she should have known better, but I'm so used to these types of inquiries that I barely notice them anymore.  It was her reaction that took me by surprise.

Customer: So, what do you call that hairstyle?
Me: Waardenburg Syndrome.
Customer : ... Oh... Are you okay!?
Me: Haha, yeah I'm fine it's just a lack of pigment.
Customer: Okay, I'm glad.  ::Insert family story she told to try and redeem herself:: I'm glad you're not punk.
Me: Nope, it's natural.
Customer: ::Awkwardly waves and walks away::

I still don't know whether I should be happy she was concerned once she found out that I had a medical condition, or offended that she looks down upon punk people.

When I was driving home, it started to sprinkle and I nearly had a panic attack.  My inner monologue went something like "I don't have my glasses on, if it starts to pour I'm screwed. There's no place to turn off the road. I just want Dunkin Donuts. I'm going to die."

The rain stopped in about a minute, I only ended up getting a drink because THEY NEVER HAVE PUMPKIN MUFFINS!! Seriously, if it's the fall season and you're advertising pumpkin flavored items, make more of those than the other items so you don't sell out by 11 am and leave disgruntled PMS-ing customer's muffin-less.

I went home where I proceeded to binge eat for about two hours and now here I am, reflecting on the day that is long from over.

Honestly, I just want a milkshake from Steak and Shake.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Book Haul, Y'all

I've been reading a lot of books lately.

The Great Gatsby

Reflected In You

Entwined With You

Never Let Me Go
and I've finished A Feast for Crows which did get more exciting and fast paced towards the end.

As of right now, I am in the middle of reading Jenny Lawson's Let's Pretend This Never Happened.  There is a good chance that it may become my favorite book.  I always say that the last book I've read is my favorite which is true, but this is hysterical.  If you haven't read it, I highly encourage you to. It's a memoir of mostly true, some slightly exaggerated or false tails of her life so far.  

One of the coolest parts about it is that she's a blogger.  Not that I consider myself a blogger or an author.  Not that I inspire to write a novel one day... but that would be amazing to have your work put out into the world.  I'd love to be an editor, however I still do love the idea of being a School Psychologist or even at this point a Guidance counselor.  Who knows when I'll get my shit together (aka. money) to do that.  

For now I'll just be swimming in credit card debt and hoping I can pay rent on time.  It's the simple things in life... 

Monday, September 9, 2013

I was in my first car accident last night.

Was going across the street to buy wine as one does, and I got into an accident.  It was bound to happen sooner or later. I would have preferred later.

I'm rather annoyed.